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Quarantine Dream: My “New Normal”

“New Normal”...I keep hearing it everywhere. People talking about what it will be like. Folks saying it’ll never be the same again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m eager to see what our “new normal” looks like too once this is all over, but can we please not forget about the here and now. Like, hello, can we please focus on getting through the right now, this moment. 

Transitioning your entire life to fit into the walls of your home and now using video communication for 95% of all interactions is tough. It can feel so overwhelming. Discombobulating. Disorienting. For folks like me, change is hard and avoided. I will avoid change at all cost if it means I get to stay in my comfort zone of everything being as expected. I already worked from home so that wasn’t my biggest change. Mine was having my partner work from home, too. I was used to having the house to myself. The whole house was my office essentially. I could do as I please and film wherever I needed or wanted. This is no more in quarantine and I needed to find ways to not only cope with the new life we were experiencing, but to also ground myself. 
  • - Primally Pure Face Mask and Serum I don’t know about you, but one of the first things that changed since never leaving my house is my skin. My poor face has definitely taken a hit and noticed the lack of variety in exposure. I use Primally Pure’s cleansing oil every night followed by the fancy face serum. When my face began to shift ( about 10 days into quarantine), I ordered the plumping mask and the soothing serum. I’ve been using it and my face has a brighter complexion, is well hydrated, and feels rejuvenated. I know changing face products can be intimidating and scary considering it often causes breakouts as your face makes the transition. There’s no better time than quarantine to test out new products when your skin has the time and space to heal (and you're not “seeing” anyone). I have used Primally Pure since 2017 and haven’t thought about changing once. Their products are all-organic and I’ve never once had a problem caused by the ingredients, that makes me feel so confident that I am treating the skin on my face with the respect and healthy support it deserves. You can save 10% off your purchase with code HEHE10
  • - Journaling This one I’m still figuring out. I used to use prompts but lately I haven’t been able to find one that gets me jazzed to write out what’s in my brain so...I’ve been free writing what’s in my brain. It’s been a lot of gratitude, but also some high emotions. Fascinatingly, I looked back over what I had written in the last 5 weeks and you can see a clear pattern of grief. In the moment, I would have never told you I was grieving and you probably couldn't have convinced me of it either. But looking back over it written out, it’s undeniable. If you’re new to journaling, don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself. Writing out your thoughts is just as helpful and therapeutic as writing to a prompt. If you are a well accustomed journaler, I’d love to hear your journaling method and if there are any prompts that have really aligned with you lately. 
  • - Flamingo Wax Strips When businesses started to close, I had no clue how far this would ripple and never thought about things like my underarms or bikini area being impacted by this virus...but here we are. Most of us are probably looking bushier than we care to admit and certainly hairier than we prefer. I’m right there with ya sister and let me tell you about my saving grace during this quarantine. Flamingo wax strips have been amazing. Now, you are not going to get a spa-like wax at home, but for a self-done job, I was impressed. I thought it’d be a total hack-job and it wasn’t. I will say, I didn’t even attempt to do a full brazillian (I’ll leave that recovery to the professionals), but the bikini area not only cleaned up nicely, but was also so easy to do. I also use these strips on my underarms which was a bit harder (only because on angling and working on your own armpits is hard), but also great. I did find the need to pluck after (which my waxer does normally) and this was the most challenging part. It definitely is not something I will be incorporating into my post-quarantine life, but for now this is an amazing stepping stone to hold me over until this lockdown is over. 
  • - Elmore Mountain Therapeutics CBD Yal know I have been on the EMT CBD train for as long as my CBD journey has been around. I had tried a few other brands and couldn’t find one I loved. I attended a CBD workshop in Boston and Ashley was on the panel. I remember how drawn I was to her because she shared the science behind why cbd, specifically Elmore Mountain Therapeutics, is the answer. She explained how our bodies absorb, use, and eliminate CBD as well as what the (limited) studies have shown. At the event, Ashley shared her CBD with me and I was sold. Her story, her knowledge, and her product. All of this to say two things: EMT is in my daily routine (and thank God that it is!) and if they have a product, I’ve likely tried it so ask all the questions. What I can’t get enough of right now are these three: Rose body oil + body scrub duo, the tincture, and my personal favorite, the face serum. I literally lather my face with this serum every morning and afternoon. I use the body scrub in the shower and the body oil when I get out. I have used the tincture for my period and anxiety for a while and have definitely kept that around. 
  • - Time Blocking I time block for work, but I have found I need to time block to regular things like house work, too, now. I think this is because we never leave so there is no break in the day. For example, I knew when Nicholas (my partner) would text me that he was headed home from work that that was my cue to wrap up my work, vacuum the rug, and load any dishes in the dishwasher that had accumulated throughout the day. We no longer have that text exchange because now he just comes into the living room and announces he is through for the day. It is easier than ever to work, work, work into the late hours of the night without even realizing it. Boundaries are harder to set than ever before because work and home are no longer separate. Time blocking can help you step away from work and spend time keeping your home clean or spending uninterrupted time with your family. 
  • - Thinx Underwear When I used to use tampons, I would have to remember to buy them each month before my cycle started. Then I switched to Lola tampons and they’d be shipped to me, but since shipping has been so wild lately, I am extra thankful for my Thinx underwear. The quarantine has provided so many folks with the opportunity to try Thinx in the comfort of their home without the pressure of going to work or out in public. I have been using Thinx as a period management for 3 years now and I couldn’t imagine life without them. When I travel or need to swim, I will use a menstrual cup, but otherwise Thinx is my only period management. They are intricately designed to not smell or feel wet. You can save $10 with this link to try them out. I was skeptical at first, too, but I was converted to a full-blown believer so quickly and that turned into a 10 pair collection. 
  • - Taking Frequent Walks (walking my dog) Walking my dog is something I’ve always done, but now I find myself going on walks to just get out of the house. At some point, the walls start to close in on you and I start to feel delirious. I know I’ve been in the house too long when I hit what I call a “laughing fit” where I can’t stop laughing and when I try, I just laugh harder. My natural instinct when I am bored or feeling stressed is to reach for a cup of coffee (I know, the opposite of what I need) or something comforting to eat. I have been challenging myself to get outside each day (except when it snows or rains..because I just can’t).The days I don’t make it outside, I can certainly tell a difference in my mood, my anxiety, and my reaction to my partner. 
  • - Mantras: “I’m adaptable” and “This is good growth” are my go-to’s at the moment. I am reminding myself that everyone is going through this. As isolating as this feels, it’s the most “together” we can possibly be. I am quick to remember this when schedules are disrupted or miscommunications happen. Everyone's flexibility right now is appreciated and when people snap, it’s nice to remind yourself that they might be having an extra hard day. Give them grace. 
Looking for something for your mental health? Did you have an event that was cancelled because of the pandemic and are longing for some human connection…I mean another human than who you’re quarantined with.

BONUS: Bloom Tribe Virtual Momfrence: I am so excited to be a speaker at this year’s momference. This event was originally supposed to be in-person, in Seattle on May 1st and 2nd. Due to the coronavirus, the Bloom Tribe team quickly pivoted to bring this goodness to you online. I seriously cried (I literally cried) when this event was cancelled so you can imagine my excitement when they shared they’d be doing it online this year! I was shocked, but also deeply happy in my core because this year’s line up is too good. I didn’t want anyone missing out on it. There’s postpartum coaches, life coaches, CEO’s, and moms talking about things like balancing work and marriage, and how to navigate fear and how to choose the next best steps for yourself and your family. You can check out the full list of speakers here. The Momference is May 2nd, 9am-3:30pm, virtually!! This is so perfect because you get to set aside time for yourself (but not too long, less than 7hrs), you don’t have to travel, and you don’t have to choose which sessions to go to (since moving to online, your ticket price covers everyone!!). Tickets are less than $30 and you can grab your ticket here! Also, use code TRANQUILITY at checkout to save 10%. I’m sharing how to have a confident birth so this is going to be an event you do not want to miss if you are having a baby during this global outbreak! Join me on May 2nd!! 

If you want my best advice, I say don’t focus so much on the far future, rather how can you create stability for yourself right now? Stability right now will provide your mind and body the space to cope with this change in life and figure out a solid plan forward. Without a stable foundation, it will be very hard to rebalance yourself in all of this. Don’t give into the pressures of the go, go, go lifestyle. Take the time you need to feel the emotions and create some next steps. 

You can do this. With love, HeHe

Don’t forget to check out our newest adventure The Birth Lounge, listen in to The Birth Lounge Podcast, and follow us on Instagram at @tranquilitybyhehe! 


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