Can my baby go to the pool? You’ll never hear me tell you what to do with your child. They are your child. However, I will share with you a few things that you may not know. This is to help you make a more informed choice as a parent. When it comes to babies and pools there are two things to remember: Your baby's skin is super duper sensitive --everything is so brand new to their skin. From the temperatures to the wind to the light to soft and deep touch--everything is new to your baby. Now the question is, do you want one of the first chemicals your baby’s skin comes in contact with to be chlorine? This actually leads to the second thing. Chlorine is a harsh chemical intended to kill things and can actually work against our immune systems. Not only that, but Chlorine is actually a mixture of other chemicals. It’s made up of Trihalomethanes and Chloramine. In a pool, there are two free radical agents that go break off and bind to things, like sweat and sun...