5 Tips To Help You Relax During Labor
(This article was originally written by HeHe for Mama Goose, see the FULL article here.)
Everyone’s birth story is a little different. This means the way people prep for labor is different and everyone’s goal is different. However, there are 5 tips that can help in any labor, no matter your goal or your story.
1 | Use your senses to your advantage
Heat helps muscles relax and this will be the sweet antidote to the contractions. It will not take away the contractions, far from it actually, but it will help relieve the sharpness.
2 | Water inside, water outside
Hydration is key! Eating is important, but water is crucial.
3 | Control the environment
Consider the people in your room and the energy they bring, consider sounds that may set or break the tone you are looking to set, and consider the lighting for you birth - which can have a HUGE effect on atmosphere and tone.
4 | Find your voice and use it
You have to be able to advocate for yourself because no one can know what you truly want for yourself, but you.
Hiring a doula can help with having our voice heard during your labor.
5 | Master your mindset
This is a Tranquility by HeHe pillar and it is 90% of the game when it comes to navigating the space between trying to conceive to birth and motherhood. I always say, “The antidote to fear is exploration.”
We think mindset is SO important - we have created a FREE webinar all about 'How to Master Your Mindset for Birth' - do NOT miss this! You do not get a re-do for the birth of your baby! Click here to sign up!
Don’t forget to check out our newest adventure The Birth Lounge, listen in to The Birth Lounge Podcast, and follow us on Instagram at @tranquilitybyhehe!
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