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Feely Snotty in Pregnancy? There's a reason!

Mucus Production & Pregnancy

Doesn't sound awesome, but doesn't sound too bad, does it?

You're probably thinking a runny nose and you're not too far off, but it can also look like ear infections and sinus infections. During pregnancy, your hormones rage (duh!), but the specific surges in estrogen does helpful things like increasing blood supply to your vaginal area and creating your mucus plug.

Since you're pregnant, you can't take most medications. Even if you could, many people choose to limit medication consumption during pregnancy and nursing. So what are you to do? Just be a walking snot factory for 9+ months? No, not at all. Like everything else, you have some choice here on your approaches.

Here are a few remedies to clear mucus:
- Drinking lots of water
- Adding electrolytes to your water
- Eating garlic + onions
- Cutting down (consider eliminating) dairy
- Netti pot
- Drinking hot liquids
- Turmeric health shot
- Eating soup
- Rest, rest, rest
- Acupuncture

You may also experience ear infections. Here are some remedies:
- Check in with your doctor (you may require an office visit)
- Mullein Garlic (purchased at whole foods, ear drops)
- Eating garlic + onions
- Avoid dairy
- Turmeric health shot
- Netti pot
- Hydrate!!!

A neat trick that I learned recently from a nurse was to bend over and put your head below your heart. If the stuffiness drains and the throbbing stops, it is due to pregnancy. If it doesn't drain and the throbbing doesn't stop (or gets worse) it's most likely stopped up and could be a possible ear infection. *This in no way constitutes medical advice, diagnosis, or a cure and should not be taken as such*

If you get a fever, no matter how tiny, check in with your healthcare provider. Be sure to avoid colloidal silver as it is not safe for pregnant or nursing people.

Pregnancy changes everything in your body...and I mean everything. Right down to your sinuses, your baby is already controlling you in every sense. Now that you know you have a reason to nap and decline Friday night's invite to supper club, do it. Take advantage of growing this tiny human. Take the time to honor the messages your body is sending you (rest, hydration, and slowing down).

You only get to experience this pregnancy once. Stop and enjoy it.

Don’t forget to join our private Facebook, The Tranquility Tribe Podcast, and follow us on Instagram at @tranquilitybyhehe!

"Welcome to the Tranquility Tribe"


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