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What is Seed Cycling?

What is Seed Cycling and Why Should You Do it?

How Do You "Seed Cycle?"

Seed cycling is when you rotate different types of seeds in your diet to align with the part of your menstrual cycle you are in. In the first half of your cycle you consume seeds which contribute to estrogen production and in the second half of your cycle you consume seeds which are naturally more progesterone producing in the body.

Follicular Phase (Days 1-14)
Starting on Day 1 of your period add 2 tablespoons of raw ground flax seeds or pumpkin seeds to your diet. You can add them into a smoothie, top your oatmeal, or add them to your salad. Everyday until ovulation, you’ll have 2 tablespoons of raw ground flax seeds or pumpkin seeds. You can alternate between pumpkin and flax or have them both, it’s up to you.
If you don’t get a regular period or you haven’t been getting a period, start seed cycling on the first day of the full moon and continue with flax or pumpkin seeds until the Full Moon or 14 days.
Luteal Phase (Days 15-28)
On Day 15 until the first day of your period which is also known as the luteal phase, you’ll want to add 2 tablespoons of raw sesame or sunflower seeds to your diet. You can add them into a smoothie, top your oatmeal, or add them to your salad.
You’re going to continue eating these seeds until Day 1 of your cycle or if you are working at getting your menstrual cycle back, you’re going to eat these seeds until Day 28 or the first day of the New Moon.

Who Should Try Seed Cycling?

- PMS Queens
- PCOS Cysters
- Endometriosis Warriors
- Acne Champions
- Fertility Fighters
- Perimenopausal and Menopausal Mamas
- Anyone looking to take their hormonal health to the next level!

Sowing The Seeds - How Seed Cycling Actually Works

Flaxseeds: high in Omega 3 essential fatty acids and fibre. These seeds help to eliminate excess hormones and wastes, which helps to keep menstrual pain at bay. Flaxseeds also contains lignans, a phytoestrogen that stops your body from producing excess estrogen.

How the flax works: Once you have eaten flaxseeds and it arrives in your large intestine, bacteria gets to work converting the lignans in flax to enterolactone and enterodiol. These go into your estrogen receptors and block them from creating excess estrogen.
Pumpkin Seeds: high in Omega 6 fatty acids and zinc which is crucial for reproduction and healthy immune function. Zinc inhibits 5-Alpha-Reductase which is an enzyme that converts testosterone into it’s more potent and dangerous counterpart dihydrotesterone (DHT), especially important for women who struggle with PCOS.
Sesame Seeds: a rich source of selenium and zinc which helps with progesterone production. A source of Vitamin E which is essential for fertility. Sesame seeds also contain lignans which block excess estrogen. Vitamin E is important in increasing progesterone levels, which is crucial for fertility. Vitamin E also improves luteal function. Sesame seeds are also a rich source of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid which can convert to gamma linolenic acid, which also helps support a healthy balance between progesterone and estrogen.
Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids and lignans which are anti estrogenic. Sunflower seeds important for the second phase of the cycle. Their vitamin E content is what sets them apart from flax seeds. Sunflower seeds contain the same essential fatty acids as sesame seeds which help maintain a healthy balance between progesterone and estrogen.
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"Welcome to the Tranquility Tribe"

This was a guest blog written by Elizabeth Raybould, a Holistic Wellness Practitioner and Founder of Fuel Goodness, who helps women balance their hormones and navigate menstruation. 


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