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One Handed Snacks for Mama's

One-Handed Snacks That Won’t Break Your New Year’s Resolution
(This was originally written as an article for Birch Baby, here.)

The new year is a time filled with making goals to strive for, and envisioning yourself one year from now. Many parents will make promises to themselves to eat healthier and exercise more.

However, between feedings, diaper changes, doctor’s appointments, play dates, and household chores, it can be challenging to find time to prepare food let alone eat.

If eating healthy were easily incorporated into your daily life, would you be more likely to stick with it? Of course!

Check out this (free download!) list that requires little prep, can be easily taken on-the-go, and won’t make you break your New Year’s Resolution of eating healthier. Our free download and the Birch Baby article break down the reasons behind each snack, so be sure to check one (or both!) out, but let's get to the good stuff: snacks! You don't want to miss these- especially if you are a nursing mama!

  • - Apples
  • - String Cheese
  • - Nuts
  • - Blueberries
  • - Grapes
  • - Hummus/Pretzels
  • - Yogurt 
  • - Hard boiled eggs
  • - Carrots
  • - Celery
  • - Granola 
  • - Dried Fruit
Don’t forget to check out our newest adventure The Birth Lounge, listen in to The Birth Lounge Podcast, and follow us on Instagram at @tranquilitybyhehe! 


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