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What I Learned From the Woman Who Threatened to Punch All Breastfeeding Moms and Babies

(HeHe's article is published for Family Education HERE in its entirety.)

Earlier this week, Carly Clark, a mother, posted a very violent and aggressive attack on breastfeeding mothers everywhere. In her post, she threatens to punch breastfeeding mothers and their babies if she sees anymore.
 “I’m not sorry – the next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby [because] I’ll punch it too #zerocare #why #inpublicletsjustshowkidsboobs #notmine.” 

As soon as I read it, my heart sank... yours did, too, didn’t it? It’s no wonder it’s going viral. Her reaction tells me that we have a bunch of adults who have zero emotional intelligence. It lets me know that as a society we struggle to understand that everyone gets to make their own choices and you don’t get a say in that. I encourage this mom to look deep inside herself, identify why she is feeling unworthy and unhappy with herself, and then deal with her own problems. She needs to work through those sticky emotions that came up.

One upset woman responded, “What in the actual hell??! How do people – especially a woman – still have this kind of mentality???! How ridiculous!! We have been feeding our babies the way our bodies intended since the dawn of time.”

Here is where my heart jumped in excitement because people are standing up to an clear exhibit of an unsafe mentality, but then I immediately took a big breath of “okay, we’ve got a lot of work to do.” I love to see people standing up for what they believe in, but we’ve gone so far from the idea of love and understanding that it’s painful. We have to start with love and trying to understand when we approach others.

(HeHe's article is published for Family Education HERE in its entirety.)

Don’t forget to check out our newest adventure The Birth Lounge, listen in to The Birth Lounge Podcast, and follow us on Instagram at @tranquilitybyhehe! 


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